10 Instagramable Spots in Siesta Key

We live in a world where everyone is constantly looking for the perfect picture spot. No shame, just the honest truth! Everyone sees these amazing pictures on social media and becomes inspired to create their own. They become driven to find a way to travel and find those spots. That's not a bad thing! If anything, it just means that finding the perfect picture spot has become a form of expression, a way for you to show off your creative side. I love that about photography and social media. You hear so much criticism now a days about people always having to capture their daily lives and living through their cameras but if you ask me, isn't that what makes this day and age so beautiful? I personally love being able to scroll through Pinterest and see amazing pictures from content creators all over the world! I love being able to visit a new city and explore until I find that one location that inspires me. I love being able to be a part of the social media community and being able to share my experiences through the art I create!
So with that being said, I have gotten a ton of questions about how I get inspired living in Sarasota Florida. More specifically, you guys have been asking a lot about my main picture locations on Siesta Key! I have spent a lot of hours just driving and walking around this little beach island trying to find inspiration. Obsviousky when you live in a city it can be really easy to overlook amazing spots that are right in front of you. That's when your creativity needs to come into play! My best advice is just grab your camera and start walking. Find little walls, front porches, beach accesses, and so much more. (Little side note, if you are taking a picture in front of a house, please remember to be respectful to those who live there) Well I have created a handy dandy little guide for you that will help you find my exact instagram shooting locations!
So with that being said, I have gotten a ton of questions about how I get inspired living in Sarasota Florida. More specifically, you guys have been asking a lot about my main picture locations on Siesta Key! I have spent a lot of hours just driving and walking around this little beach island trying to find inspiration. Obsviousky when you live in a city it can be really easy to overlook amazing spots that are right in front of you. That's when your creativity needs to come into play! My best advice is just grab your camera and start walking. Find little walls, front porches, beach accesses, and so much more. (Little side note, if you are taking a picture in front of a house, please remember to be respectful to those who live there) Well I have created a handy dandy little guide for you that will help you find my exact instagram shooting locations!
10 Instagramable Spots in Siesta Key
2. In The Ocean
Okay this one really isn't an exact location but I wanted to add it to the list because of the amazing water that we have on Siesta Key. We really do have those perfect blues and turquoise tones that can make any picture pop! So don't be shy, walk through the crowds down into the water and get that perfect shot!
1. Siesta Key Village
The village will forever be my number one go-to spot if I am going for a beachy vacation look! There are tons of colorful walls and cute restaurants to choose from. Personally, this blue wall between The Cottage and The Hub is my all time favorite!
3. The Broken Pier
This spot can get a bit tricky during the busy times of the year because it has gotten really, REALLY popular but it is still worth it. Growing up I have always come here to shoot pictures because you can drive all the way up to the beach which makes it super easy to bring props or staging equipment.
4. Cottage by the Sea by Beachside Management
These beach rentals are a beachy instagram dream! Personally, I really love most of the properties run by Beachside Management because they really do have the perfect colorful vacation look but this blue house is a big fan favorite. Now these are usually being lived in so like I mentioned earlier, be respectful of the tenants and make sure to give credit to Beachside because they rock!
(click here to reach more about the cottage)
(click here to reach more about the cottage)
5. Tropical Breeze Resort
Siesta Key is filled to the brim with little resorts and beach rentals so a lot of the spots that I have found belong to them. With Tropical Breeze Resort, I really like to park my car somewhere in the village and just go explore with my camera. That way I know I am not disturbing the hotel or its guests and can still get the shots that I am looking for. This place is my absolute inspiration when it comes to a tropical palm tree paradise!
6. The Hammock
This might be my most-asked about spot ever and I can definitly see why! If this doesn't scream insta-worthy then I don't know what does. The upside to this spot is that it is super easy to find. The downside is, it also belongs to Beachside Management and the property is almost always booked! If you are looking to shoot here you have two options: call and ask when the property isn't filled or risk it and go see if there is a car or people currently in the house.
7. The Blue Lifeguard Stand
Siesta Key Beach has a bunch of lifeguard stands in a variety of colors but personally, I am a big fan of the blue one. I think it adds that extra beachy vibe. Just park your car in the main parking lot and take a walk down the beach. If you want an empty beach like this one, GET THERE EARLY! This picture was taken at 8am and I still had to photoshop two or three people out!
9. Beware of Falling Coconuts
Can we just all agree that everyone needs this sign at home? Once again, this cute Instagram spot can be found inside the courtyard of a Tropical Breeze Resort property. Totally worth a visit right?
10. The Surf Board
Last but not least, the ultimate beach shower! So this surf board is an absolute inspo spot. Unfortunately it has recently been moved so it is no longer in the same spot as it was when I took this picture. However, it is still available in one of the new Beachside Management hotel pool areas right inside of The Village. I haven't actually been to the new property yet but I went ahead and added the location below.
8. Turtle Beach
So this spot is on the complete opposite side of the Island as Siesta Key Beach but i I still wanted to add it as a spot. Not only is it one of my favorite places to capture sunsets but it is also my go-to when it comes to the beach accesses! Turtle beach is a little less groomed than Siesta beach so there are always a ton of wild flowers that bloom along the beach. It makes for a really unique beach look. Little tip: the beach access inside the camping ground usually looks the best!