My Experience With Laser Hair Removal

Let me get real with you all for a second, is there anything better than the feeling of silky smooth shaved legs against your bed sheets? Ladies, I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. Let's face it, no one likes stubble and no one likes to deal with it. And with summer right around the corner, I can't be the only one dreading having to go through the long process of shaving my legs all the time. I mean seriously, why can't my actual hair grow at the lightning speed that the ones on my legs grow at? Wouldn't that be something?
Okay, I'm getting a bit off track. Back to not wanting to shave all the time. I know we have all heard the commercials for the miracle treatment that take the hair away forever, laser hair removal. But personally, between the costs and the endless treatments, I have just never seen the point in actually doing it. That is until Marlowe and Marrs ENT started offering beautification treatments and revealed the new technology that could get rid of the hair in just two sessions. I decided to throw caution into the wind and just try it and share the experience with you all. I guess I'm sort of your guinea pig! (Click here to read more about the treatment)
Okay, I'm getting a bit off track. Back to not wanting to shave all the time. I know we have all heard the commercials for the miracle treatment that take the hair away forever, laser hair removal. But personally, between the costs and the endless treatments, I have just never seen the point in actually doing it. That is until Marlowe and Marrs ENT started offering beautification treatments and revealed the new technology that could get rid of the hair in just two sessions. I decided to throw caution into the wind and just try it and share the experience with you all. I guess I'm sort of your guinea pig! (Click here to read more about the treatment)
Okay so the decision to try this treatment was very spontaneous and I didn't even have time to do any research about what to expect. I arrived at the office and got checked in right away. They took me to a treatment room in the back with a big machine and a bed set up in it. I was feeling very pumped and ready to see how this laser thing worked. I feel like the fact that I was going to be getting zapped by a laser should have made it click in my brain that there may be some pain involved in this process but as I said, I for some reason did not do any prior reading about a medical procedure I was about to get done. For anyone getting any sort of treatment done ever, ALWAYS READ ABOUT IT FIRST!!!!
The aesthetician hands me a mask to breathe into that will supply a sort of laughing gas. I was a little confused until she tells me that it can be a bit painful..... let's just say I don't handle pain very well so I had a mini panic attack inside my head but tried my best to act cool and calm haha. So I took some insanely deep breaths of this gas and felt the tension float away. Next thing I know I got some funky glasses to wear to protect my eyes from the laser flash and we were ready to go.

The way the procedure works is that the area that you are getting treated first gets tested so the laser uses the correct strength for your skin type. Then a sugar water solution gets applied to the area to help the laser really get in there. Then through individual laser pulses, the entire area gets zapped step by step. Now I could lie to you all and say it is only like a little rubber band snap but I love you all too much to do that. If anyone has ever gotten a tattoo, the pain is very similar. But instead of being a continuous pain it is only a short zap. It is not the end of the world but it was definitely not enjoyable. I even started sweating a bit haha. But once the first round of zaps goes by, they go over the area again with a lower strength round of zaps that no longer hurt.

Once you are all done, you are going to feel like you have a sunburn. I got my after-care instructions and made my way back home. The car ride was a bit painful only because I for some reason wore jeans to my treatment but once I got home and popped a few Advil the sunburn feeling started to fade. Over the next 48 hours, my skin got a little red and ALL of my freckles came out in a very strong way. I mean I looked like a human dalmatian hybrid for while there. Then a few days later I started to develop lines of brown or darker skin. The backs of my legs now looked like a mix of a dalmatian and a zebra! But all of this is completely normal and does begin to fade as the weeks go by.
It has now been almost 3 weeks since I got the first session and although some of the marks are still visible, others have faded away completely. Even my funky birthmark on my leg went away!! The hair still grows but it comes in patches now instead of the whole leg. I have my next session in 3 more weeks so I will update you all when that happens! But for now, I definitely recommend it. Although it is a bit painful. It goes by really quickly and I am already seeing great results. Plus, the people that I know who have had the full treatment really did have results after two sessions so keep your fingers crossed for me!